Adding a landing page template in Elementor

> Templates

Elementor already has a set of pre-designed landing page templates, using this type of templates will make our work much easier, since we will only have to insert them and then modify them to adapt them to our liking.

To access the templates follow this path in the WordPress menu:

WP > Templates > Landing pages

Then click on the Add new button. The Elementor builder will open and also a popup window for selecting a template.

We can click on any of the templates to see what it looks like and decide if it suits our needs. Once we have decided, we click on the Insert button.

To be able to insert templates you need to have an activated Elementor Pro license or have the free account logged in. Templates that have a PRO or EXPERT badge are only accessible if you have an activated Elementor Pro license.

What is a landing page?


In digital marketing, a landing page is a stand-alone web page created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign. It’s where a visitor “lands” which is why it’s also called a landing page, after clicking on a link in an email or on ads on Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or similar places on the web.

Unlike web pages, which typically have many objectives and encourage exploration, landing pages are designed with a single focus or objective, known as a call to action (or CTA, for short).

It is this approach that makes landing pages the best option for increasing the conversion rates of your marketing campaigns and reducing the cost of acquiring a lead or sale. Landing pages are part of the marketing funnel of a marketing campaign.

In the image you can see how the landing page is part of the funnel with which prospects or leads will land when they click on the link located in an ad, email or anywhere else on your website. It is where the conversion (such as a purchase, subscription or registration) will take place.

The key difference between a home page and a landing page

Or why landing pages are so good at converting

The home page has tons of links and the landing page only has one, that’s pretty typical. While the home page has dozens of potential distractions, you can basically call them “leaks” instead of links, the landing page is super focused. Having fewer links on your landing page increases conversions, as there are fewer enticing clicks that will draw visitors away from the call to action. That’s why marketers always use a dedicated landing page as the destination for their traffic.

Sure, the home page looks amazing. It showcases the brand, allows people to explore a range of products and offers additional information about the company and its values. From here, a visitor can go anywhere: apply for a job, read some press releases, review the terms of service, post in the community forums, and so on.

But they will not necessarily make a purchase. And that is the point.

This client’s landing page has a completely different purpose. Coupled with super slick ads promoting a single offer, it all works hard to convert these visitors into customers. It’s doing a better job of converting the traffic the brand is already receiving. That’s the power of landing pages!

Types of landing pages

You will see a lot of variation, depending on the specifics of the business, but there are really two archetypal landing pages (defined by their objectives):

Lead generation landing pages

Also called lead gen or lead capture pages, they use a form as a call to action. This form almost always collects lead data, such as the names and email addresses of visitors.

B2B marketers and companies selling high-priced items use this type of landing page to build a list of potential customers. Sometimes they offer something for free, such as an e-book or webinar, in exchange for contact information. E-commerce brands can also use these pages to create lists or offer free shipping or special offers as well.

Click landing pages

Landing pages using e-commerce and SaaS (software as a service) are often used directly for sales or subscriptions. They usually have a simple button as a call to action that sends the visitor to the payment flow (such as the app store) or completes a transaction.

Drive traffic to landing pages

You will need to fill that funnel with visitors for your landing page to work. Fortunately, you have many options. Let’s explore some of the most common sources of traffic to landing pages.

Paid search traffic

Most search engines include paid advertising. When someone searches for something (e.g., “landing pages”), these ads appear clearly marked, though not too clearly marked, in the search results. A typical example from Google is shown below:

Payment search

Unlike the other results on the page, marketers prepare and pay for pay-per-click ads. Someone who clicks through will be primed by your lovely copy (and, sometimes, your images). And you have likely targeted them based on your search term, demographics or interests revealed by your browsing history.

Fundamentally, when you create an ad, you can choose where the link takes your visitor. Yes, you can choose to send them to your home page. But, as we’ll explore below, it’s much better to create a separate landing page that matches your ad copy and offers a clear call to action.

Paid social traffic

Post ads on social networking sites such as Facebook , Instagram , Twitter o LinkedIn is a great way to target people and communities that will be particularly interested in your brand, regardless of whether they are already in the market.

Instead of people searching for “chanel handbags”, you can advertise to people who have added “fashion” to their list of interests on their Facebook profile. The interesting thing about this is that you can connect with customers before they start looking for your product, or before they even want it!

In addition to offering advanced targeting features, each social channel has its own characteristics. Instagram, for example, works well for lifestyle products and brands with strong visual appeal. On the other hand, B2B advertisers prefer to use LinkedIn to reach professionals working in specific industries.

E-mail campaigns

Email is often touted as the most effective marketing channel available because of its enormous reach (and low costs) compared to other platforms. A 2018 study by Radicati Group projects that there will be 4.2 billion email users by 2022. That’s more than half the planet!

A powerful combination of emails and landing pages can be used to both nurture existing customer relationships and acquire new ones. After creating a contact list, your carefully crafted email allows you to engage readers with your offer, while the landing page fills in the details and directs visitors to a call to action.

Organic search traffic

The term “organic traffic” refers to any visitor coming from a free source, such as the bottom half of Google or Bing search results (SERP). By creating engaging and legitimately useful content on your website or landing pages, you can ensure that your company appears more frequently in related searches. The higher the content, the better.

However, calling it “unpaid” is a bit misleading. It does not mean that there is no time or money invested in sorting. There is a whole field of professionals dedicated to squeezing as much organic traffic from Google as possible through a balance of careful strategy, technical know-how and compelling content creation. That’s SEO in a nutshell, search engine optimization.

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Generate effective SEO texts with AI to rank your website on Google

Generating effective SEO texts is essential to position our website in Google. It is important to follow the rules and create original and interesting content, both in text and video, and to have branded profiles on social networks. We must also pay attention to the structure of the content and links, as well as the spelling quality. With keyword research, copywriting and optimization of the URL, title and meta description we can create a good SEO text. The generation of internal and external links and the analysis of results are also key to improve our strategy.

Importance of SEO positioning in Google

Positioning in Google is fundamental in any digital strategy. It is important to note that there are two different types of results: SEM results and SEO results, the latter generating an ROI of 20%.

SEM vs SEO Results

SEM results are those achieved through advertising on Google, while SEO results are those achieved by optimizing the website to appear in Google’s top search results.

20% ROI

The fact of achieving a 20% ROI thanks to SEO actions is an indicator that this strategy is very efficient compared to others.

Google standards and creativity in content creation

It is important to follow Google’s rules when creating content, however, we must not neglect creativity and originality in the creation of interesting and valuable content to improve our SEO.

Content creation for SEO

The creation of interesting and original content is key to improve the positioning of our website in Google. Here are some keys to creating effective content on different platforms.

Video content on YouTube and Instagram

Video content is becoming more and more relevant in SEO content strategy. YouTube and Instagram are two of the most widely used platforms for sharing branded videos, although each has its own particularities. It is important to take these differences into account and adapt the content according to our needs. On YouTube, for example, videos should be longer and more detailed, while on Instagram, shorter and more eye-catching videos can be used.

Brand profiles in social networks

Having a presence in social networks is essential to maintain a good SEO positioning strategy. These brand profiles must be consistent with the content of our website and be active with regular publications. In addition, it is important to use keywords in the biography and use attractive content to invite users to visit our website.

Content structure, internal links and spelling

Content structure is one of the most important elements when creating content for SEO. The title hierarchy from H1 to H4 must be taken into account and follow a logical order in the content structure. It is also essential to include both internal and external links to improve the navigation and authority of our website. Finally, we must not neglect the spelling and grammar of the content, as they can negatively affect the quality of our website and therefore harm the positioning in search engines.

Keys to good SEO copywriting

To achieve a good SEO positioning in Google and improve the traffic to our website, we must take into account certain keys in the writing of our contents. These include:

Keyword research

Before writing SEO copy it is important to do keyword research. We must choose those words that are related to our content and that have a high search volume but at the same time have low competition. This will help us to better position our content in search results.

Text structure and linkbuilding

The structure of the text is key in writing a good SEO text. We must structure it with H2, H3 and H4 subtitles and use internal links that redirect to other contents of our website and external links to other sources of information related to our sector. This will contribute to increase the authority of our website and improve our positioning.

URL, title and meta description writing and optimization

The wording of the URL, the title and the meta description of our content are also important factors in SEO positioning. We must create a simple and descriptive URL, a catchy title and a meta description that summarizes the content clearly and concisely. In addition, we must include in them our keywords in a natural and coherent way.

We should not be overly obsessed with optimization per se, but focus on creating valuable, interesting and compelling content for our audience. All this will help us to improve our SEO positioning in Google and to generate quality visits to our website.

Internal and external link generation and results analysis

The generation of internal and external links is essential to improve the SEO of our website. Internal links help to distribute the value of the pages of our website, which improves the SEO of all of them, while quality external links bring authority and relevance to our website, which helps it to rank better.

Analysis through tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console

To measure the success of our SEO strategy we must analyze the data obtained through tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console. These tools allow us to know the traffic of our website, its origin, the keywords used by users, the average duration of the visit, among other aspects. In this way, we can detect and correct possible errors that are affecting our position in Google. In addition to these tools, there are other advanced options that allow us to improve the efficiency of our SEO strategy. Some of them are Ahrefs, Moz or SEMrush, which offer detailed statistics on the performance of our page and allow us to know in depth the competition.

SEO content writing services

If you don’t have enough time or resources to create quality SEO content, there are SEO content writing services that can help. These services have teams of professionals who are responsible for creating SEO-optimized content that meets all standards and is attractive to users. In addition, these services can help you research keywords, generate links and optimize your URLs, titles and meta descriptions, among other things. With the help of these services, you can significantly improve the position of your website in Google and increase traffic and quality visits.

Tips to improve the SEO positioning of our website

To improve the SEO positioning of our website, it is important to follow certain tips to achieve greater success in Google:

Think SEO when writing texts

It is essential to keep keywords and SEO optimization techniques in mind when writing any type of content, never forget this.

Knowing our target audience

It is important to know our target audience in depth, to know their needs, their interests and their behavior, so we can create content that is attractive to them.

Image optimization

Images are an important factor in SEO positioning, as they can attract users and improve the duration of their visit on our website. It is necessary to optimize the images in terms of size and weight and choose appropriate file names with the keywords of our niche.

Quality design and content

We must take care of the design of our website so that it is attractive and easy to use for the user, so that they spend more time on it. In addition, the content must be interesting and relevant to have a chance of being shared on social networks.

This is a pop-up message

Elementor has a popup message builder that you can find in the Templates menu.

Plantillas > Mensajes emergentes


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