License: Official / Original / NOT GPL / You can update the plugin normally from WordPress.
7/7 Service: Installation service 7 days a week.
All plugins purchased on this website include an official agency license, they are NOT GPL. You will be able to update them from WordPress on a regular basis.
What is Dynamic ooo?
Dynamic Content for Elementor is a powerful plugin that complements and extends Elementor’s dynamic and design capabilities, adding endless new possibilities. If you want to supervitaminate Elementor Pro, this is the ultimate plugin that puts at your disposal more than 34 new widgets, 44 extensions that add new functionality to existing widgets and a System for creating single page and archive templates that features 13 widgets.
You can activate or deactivate both widgets and extensions very easily with a single mouse click, and thus have active only the ones you need.
Unleash your creativity, this first set of Creative widgets from the suite are developed with designers in mind.
SVG Text Path: write a text over an SVG path. SVG Filter Effects: apply filters to an SVG image (duotone, sketch, posterize, …). SVG Mask: add a shape mask to an image (ring, triangle, circle, SVG custom shape). SVG Blob: create a shape and make it move using an SVG path. SVG Distortion: distort an image by defining the alteration on a source image (depth and scale). Reveal: introduce new systems for animated display of elements on the page while scrolling. Animated Text: creates animated text sequences based on: characters, words or lines. Rellax Parallax: apply a parallax effect to any widget, following the scrolling of the page. 360 Slider: generate a rotation effect across a set of images. Transforms: transforms the appearance of a widget to create amazing layouts (2D and 3D rotation, scaling, …). SVG Morphing: generate animations that change from one shape to another defined through an SVG path or polyline tags. Before After: display an image with a before and after effect. Tilt: apply a parallax scrolling tilt effect to a template. Parallax: create and manage stunning parallax movements of images through the orientation of your device or mouse movement.
Customers expect more than a website, they want a web application. With Dynamic ooo you can use widgets and extensions to work with data and sources that are not normally available on the page. Dynamic provides a toolbox that allows you to offer advanced application-like solutions.
Dynamic Cookie: easily set or delete cookies with dynamic values on your Elementor pages. Button Copy to Clipboard: this button allows you to store any text to the client clipboard, such as: a URL, a code snippet or a long text. Add to Calendar: adds an event to the user’s calendar with just one click: Google Calendar, iOS Calendar and Outlook. QR and Barcodes: super easy to create a 1D and 2D barcode, such as EAN and QRCode. And display it as PNG, SVG or HTML. PDF Button: save a web page or a specific part of it as PDF. Modals: add a popup window to your Elementor page. Remote Content: capture content from another website and insert it as text blocks or images into your own. Fire ModalWindows: add a “Learn more” or “Modal window” button to your post and create a call to action. Tokens: add shortcodes within the text of a post. As a result, you can display values of a Post, Terms, User, Date, WP_Query, System and Options. Dynamic Template: include any element of your website in a template without the need to redo it. You can choose a specific content. DoShortcode: easily insert a native WordPress shortcode and retrieve a block of code that already exists. PHP Raw: apply a PHP code string directly from the interface. Add to Favorites: your visitors can save all your favorite posts, pages and products, creating a wishlist this information can be stored as registered users, in cookies or globally within an option. File include: include files directly from a root path as if you were writing code in a theme. provides a large number of predefined and flexible layouts for displaying the content of your publications in lists, grids, mansory and 3D layouts. Can’t find what you are looking for? Do you need to include custom fields or filter by metafields? No problem, create your own custom designs, save them as templates and use them with dynamic list widgets.
Search & Filter Pro: requires Search & Filter Pro plugin to work. Combine the power of Search & Filter Pro filters with Dynamic Posts v2 or Dynamic Google Maps. Views: easily create custom queries and display all your filtered items (Posts, Users or Conditions). Single Posts List: create a navigation menu by choosing the items you need from your posts or your website. FileBrowser: displays a list of files from a specific directory. ParentChild Menu: displays a navigation menu of child pages on your page according to the settings of the WordPress page attributes block. Taxonomy Terms List: creates a file type navigation menu based on a taxonomy.
45 Extensions
Extensions add additional functionality to existing Elementor or Elementor Pro widgets.
Dynamic Select Field: list of options that dynamically change according to the value of another field. Hidden Label Field: get the label corresponding to the value of another field. Conditional Fields v2: hide or disable a field depending on the content of other fields. Custom PHP Validation: validate your form based on the conditions you set. Stripe: Connect Elementor Pro forms to collect online payments securely through Stripe. Telegram: you can send your form content to Telegram. WYSIWYG Editor: adds a WYSIWYG editor to your text area fields in Elementor Pro Form. Submit Button: adds another submit button in your Elementor Pro forms. Select2: adds selection fields with search box. Reset Button: adds a button to reset all form fields to their initial values. Regex Field: verifies the form fields using a regular expression. Password Visibility: allow your users to show or hide their password. Submit on Change: submit your form automatically when the user chooses a radio button or a select field. Method: add a different method attribute in your forms that specifies how to submit form data. Field Length: Choose a minimum and maximum character length for text fields and text area. Inline Align: Choose inline alignment type for checkboxes and radio fields. Icons: add icons in the label or inside the input of the form fields. Field Description: describe your form field to help users better understand each field. Address Autocomplete: use the type-ahead autocomplete feature of the Google Maps search field. Dynamic Redirect: redirect the user to different URLs based on their choice in the value of submitted form fields. Signature Field: add a signature field and use it in your PDF with JS Converter. PayPal: connect forms to collect online payments securely through PayPal. Enhanced Multi-Step: add features, tag as a legend, show all steps, scroll up on step change and step summary. Message Generator: If the standard Elementor Pro Form success message does not meet your standard, with this extension you can create custom designed content using an Elementor template with dynamic content. PDF Generator: generates a PDF from an Elementor template, which contains all the dynamic data of the form, post or registered user. Export: exports the submitted form data to an external service, such as your marketing platform, custom API or CRM. Conditional fields: add conditional visibility to Elementor Pro form fields. Dynamic Email: easily create a full-featured Elementor email template to send the emails you need including dynamic form data. Save: save the form data submitted in the front-end by your client such as: publication, title, content and all its metadata as draft or public …
Unwrap: removes additional wrappers from the current element. Works on: Sections, Columns and Widgets. Advanced Masking: applies masking effects on the basic widgets available in the free version of Elementor: Image, Image Box and Video. Advanced Video Controls: customize the style of the Video widget controls and prevent direct access to your videos (YouTube, Vimeo and self-hosted Mp4). Page Inertia Scroll: apply a trending effect determined by a scroll coefficient on the page. You can manage the bounce and scroll bias and you can apply this effect both vertically and horizontally. Page Effects Scroll: aplica un efecto de transición entre las secciones de la página. Compatible con Elementor Motion Scroll. Page Snap Scroll: aplica un efecto snap entre las secciones de la página. Select2 for Elementor Editor: mejora la funcionalidad del editor con un cuadro de selección con capacidad para buscar en el editor de Elementor. Reveal: introduce nuevos sistemas para la visualización animada de elementos en la página mientras te desplazas. Compatible con todos los widgets. Rellax Parallax: applies a parallax effect to any widget, following the scrolling of the page. Transforms: transform the appearance of a widget to create amazing layouts (2D and 3D rotation, scaling, …). Animations: apply an animation effect to any widget using CSS3 combined with keyframes. Tooltip Elementor: add a Tooltip to any Elementor widget.
CopyPaste Cross-site: copy content (widgets, columns, sections, …) from one site to another on a different domain. Dynamic Visibility: hides any widget, column or section. It is particularly useful when you are creating something that you don’t want to show to everyone. Dynamic Tag Token: add dynamic features to widgets: Text, Area Text, Number and many more. Dynamic Tag Template: easily embed your Elementor template everywhere with one click, available in all text fields (also in text area, code, HTML and WYSIWYG).
Template system with 13 widgets
Create your single page and archive templates using a simple project-oriented system. provides 13 placeholder widgets for common thematic elements along with the full range of dynamic tags and dynamic tokens. With the dynamic template system you are no longer limited by your theme.
Title: add a dynamic title to your template. Content: add the content of a specific post to a page. Featured Image: dynamically add an image to your web page by choosing from the featured image of a specific post. Terms & Taxonomy: dynamically write and display the taxonomy of your articles. Date: add the date of the publication on your web page. Excerpt: add a shorter version of a post’s content to your web page. Icon format: add an icon for your post format to identify its type. PrevNext: access pages adjacent to the selected post according to a category / taxonomy or tag. Add to Favorites: your visitors can save all their favorite posts and products, create a wish list and save the pages they like by storing data as registered users, in cookies or globally within an option. Read more button: add a “read more” button below your post or in the block in the archive and create your call to action. Breadcrumbs: insert breadcrumbs and generate paths within your page automatically. Post Metas: displays the Meta field values of the Post saved in the database, natively supported by WordPress. User Fields: create user page template, implement Dynamic Users widget templates or add user fields in your post template.
Features not included
Direct support with Dynamic.oooThis is the only feature that you will not be able to use since you will not have access to the account. premiumHowever, if you have any doubts or incidents related to you can contact me directly through the chat icon on this website, providing the email address you used to subscribe when you started the chat.
The license transfer from the development domain to the production domain is not included in the price, it has a cost of 5€.
License reinstallation is not included in the price and will cost 5€ for reinstallation and activation.
Have hosting, domain and WordPress installed.
Having the Elementor plugin installed, it is recommended and even better to have Elementor Pro installed to be able to use dynamic data, although it is not necessary to use
To activate the license for this plugin and the additional plugins included as a gift, you need to provide me with temporary access to the WordPress Admin Panel with Administrator role. This access is used only once and is necessary to activate the official license using our agency key. You can provide me with a WordPress administrator user, and after the license is updated, you can delete that user or change the password. Another option is to install the Temporary Login Without Password plugin, which allows you to create a temporary access link for me to activate the license.
These are optional gifts and do not include any additional cost either at the time of purchase or on license renewals, which will always be at the same price of 9.99€.
Free access toElementor Academya quick reference guide on Elementor Pro composed mainly of short, concrete and concise video tutorials, ideal for quick reference.
1 Free SEOPress PRO License (You save 48€/year) the best WordPress plugin for on-site search engine optimization. This license will always be free as long as the Dynamic ooo subscription is renewed.
70% discount + domain renewal (the first year) in any of the hosting plans of my trusted provider Profesinal Hosting Plus free migration. Request this discount once you buy this license.
Ya son varios pedidos/compras y como siempre, perfecto. Es totalmente seguro y fiable, los regalos siempre te los da y tan operativos y oficiales como lo que compras. En mi caso una gran solución para los clientes que no quieren engordar la factura con licencias que llevan soporte directo. Aqui en el peor de los casos, Mario también soluciona eso. Confianza total, volveré muchas más veces.
Allez-y les yeux fermés ! Très satisfait de mon achat de licence, et de la rapidité d’activation de la version pro de mon thème Astra.Il faut créer un compte administrateur temporaire sur votre WordPress pour que Mario fasse opérer sa magie.D’abord méfiant, je suis quand même aller au bout du processus et je ne le regrette absolument pas.Merci Mario !
No pensé que la compra y gestión fuera a ser tan fácil, por primera vez en mucho tiempo estoy sorprendida para bien.Vengo a aportar mi granito de arena con esta buena reseña porque tenia dudas a la hora de realizar la compra y me animé gracias a los comentarios previos.RECOMENDADO 10/10
2 veces ya que he necesitado sus servicios y ha sido súper rápido y súper atento. No dudaré en seguir contando con Mario.ACTUALIZO:2 años después sigo contando con Mario para algunos plugins de mi web y todo va genial y lo instala súper rápido. Además cualquier duda, le preguntas a través del chat de su web y te la resuelve sin problema.Gracias Mario!
Los conocí buscando un curso específico de Chatbot y vi que también tenían experiencia en varios plugins de WP.Me han ayudado a implementar y configurar un plugin específico que necesitaba un cliente. 100% recomendable si buscas un partner para implementar plugins con los que no hayas trabajado antes en tu agencia o tengas alguna duda.
Tenía mis dudas a la hora de usar este tipo de webs, pero he de decir que estoy gratamente sorprendido por la rapidez y eficacia de Mario. No hay ningún problema a la hora de los pagos y me me hizo todo un sábado, yo esperaba que lo hiciese el lunes… este tipo de personas ya no quedan. Quiere que su negocio vaya bien y hace lo imposible.
English: I wanted elementor pro and this company offered a subscription due to their agency license. I have used elementor pro for a year without issue. They are trustworthy.Spanish: Yo quiera elementor pro, e este compania me ayudo. El subscription es bueno. Tener confiansa en ellos.
Mario y su equipo de La Colmena Tecnológica siempre funcionan genial y su atención es muy profesional y lo más importante, inmediata teniendo en cuenta que tenemos un negocio online y dependemos de la tecnología que nos juega malas pasadas a veces. 100% recomendable.
La verdad que todo lo que puedo decir es bueno, Mario es un gran profesional, el servicio es increíble, siempre está atento y te dice que es lo que mejor te puede ir, en estas cosas la confianza es importante y difícil de tener, pero confío en Mario plenamente. Gracias por todo!!.
Dudaba antes de comprar Divi, la experiencia ha sido insuperable, dificilmente mejorable. La lineade trabajo de La Colmena es un ejemplo a seguir por muchos.
Mario es muy atento y super profesional. Al activar elementor pro tuvimos un problema con la web debido a que yo tenía muchos plugins desactualizados y wordpress sin actualizar, Mario se encargó de actualizar todo y dejar todo funcionando perfectamente. Inmejorable.
Servicio perfecto, Mario me ha atendido y ayudado siempre súper rápido y profesionalmente, tanto en la gestión con los plugin de mi web, como el trato personal que he recibido de su parte. 100% recomendable.
Mario me ha sorprendido por su profesionalidad. He tenido un problema en la instalación de una plantilla en Wordpress y en un momento me ha preparado un tutorial escrito que me ha resuelto el problema. Estoy muy agradecido por su amabilidad. 100% recomendable.
I'd give 10 stars if I could!Amazing service, price!Very fast and secure!I'm so happy now with all I got and what I payed for it.And it was delivered within minutes on a Sunday.Could not be happier.
"Je suis extrêmement satisfait de cette plateforme. Les commandes sont toujours traitées rapidement, et les produits correspondent parfaitement à la description. Le service client est réactif et à l'écoute, ce qui rend l'expérience encore plus agréable. J'apprécie également les prix compétitifs et la variété des produits proposés. Je recommande vivement cette plateforme à tous ceux qui recherchent une expérience d'achat en ligne fiable et de qualité." Je Eugène Owen TCHIBOZO, depuis le Bénin.
Les prestations proposées par Mario sont excellentes : professionnalisme, sérieux, efficacité et rapidité sont toujours au rendez-vous. Et à chaque fois, on bénéficie de bonus avec une vraie valeur ajoutée.Et pour m'assurer de la confidentialité et de la sécurité, c'est vers lui que je me tourne automatiquement. Je recommande à 100%.Merci Mario !
La Colmena Tecnológica is an excellent platform for training and shared subscriptions. Their courses are comprehensive and accessible, perfect for deepening your skills. The shared subscription model provides access to quality resources at a lower cost. I highly recommend this platform for learning and saving!
Excellent service. Even though I contacted Mario outside business hours, he was present, patient, and did his job well.My order was only for gneratepress pro theme but Mario added Elementor Pro as a gift.. Thank you Mario.I definitely recommend Mario's services and website, and if I need one of the products he offers on his website, I will definitely buy again.
Lo recomiendo al 100% !! No sólo vende un producto excelente al mejor precio sino que encima en súper amable y te ayuda con tus dudas. Te lo instala y te lo deja todo listo y funcionado.
Excelente tutorial. Es perfecto para poder configurar JetEngine correctamente. El entrenador es muy educativo. Sin embargo, me preguntaba si hay una continuación, en particular para formatear la página de un portafolio con la lista completa de logros en mi caso. En resumen, ¿se está considerando una suite con el plugin JetEngine?
Excelente servicio por parte de Mario. Nos instaló y preparó unos plugins para nuestra web, y todo quedó perfecto. El proceso fue rápido, eficiente, y sin complicaciones. Además, Mario siempre estuvo disponible para resolver cualquier duda. ¡Totalmente recomendable!
Junto a mi socia Paula, hemos solicitado instalar LearnDash, Astra Pro y Elementor Pro.La facilidad e información disponible del proceso de compra e instalación son muy claras. La sencillez no puede ser mayor dado que se encargan de todo.Además, la rapidez en la respuesta, la disposición y amabilidad en el servicio de soporte por parte de Mario son excelentes.¡No nos pensaremos repetir experiencia si necesitamos algo más! 🙂
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Generate effective SEO texts with AI to rank your website on Google
Generating effective SEO texts is essential to position our website in Google. It is important to follow the rules and create original and interesting content, both in text and video, and to have branded profiles on social networks. We must also pay attention to the structure of the content and links, as well as the spelling quality. With keyword research, copywriting and optimization of the URL, title and meta description we can create a good SEO text. The generation of internal and external links and the analysis of results are also key to improve our strategy.
Importance of SEO positioning in Google
Positioning in Google is fundamental in any digital strategy. It is important to note that there are two different types of results: SEM results and SEO results, the latter generating an ROI of 20%.
SEM vs SEO Results
SEM results are those achieved through advertising on Google, while SEO results are those achieved by optimizing the website to appear in Google’s top search results.
20% ROI
The fact of achieving a 20% ROI thanks to SEO actions is an indicator that this strategy is very efficient compared to others.
Google standards and creativity in content creation
It is important to follow Google’s rules when creating content, however, we must not neglect creativity and originality in the creation of interesting and valuable content to improve our SEO.
Content creation for SEO
The creation of interesting and original content is key to improve the positioning of our website in Google. Here are some keys to creating effective content on different platforms.
Video content on YouTube and Instagram
Video content is becoming more and more relevant in SEO content strategy. YouTube and Instagram are two of the most widely used platforms for sharing branded videos, although each has its own particularities. It is important to take these differences into account and adapt the content according to our needs. On YouTube, for example, videos should be longer and more detailed, while on Instagram, shorter and more eye-catching videos can be used.
Brand profiles in social networks
Having a presence in social networks is essential to maintain a good SEO positioning strategy. These brand profiles must be consistent with the content of our website and be active with regular publications. In addition, it is important to use keywords in the biography and use attractive content to invite users to visit our website.
Content structure, internal links and spelling
Content structure is one of the most important elements when creating content for SEO. The title hierarchy from H1 to H4 must be taken into account and follow a logical order in the content structure. It is also essential to include both internal and external links to improve the navigation and authority of our website. Finally, we must not neglect the spelling and grammar of the content, as they can negatively affect the quality of our website and therefore harm the positioning in search engines.
Keys to good SEO copywriting
To achieve a good SEO positioning in Google and improve the traffic to our website, we must take into account certain keys in the writing of our contents. These include:
Keyword research
Before writing SEO copy it is important to do keyword research. We must choose those words that are related to our content and that have a high search volume but at the same time have low competition. This will help us to better position our content in search results.
Text structure and linkbuilding
The structure of the text is key in writing a good SEO text. We must structure it with H2, H3 and H4 subtitles and use internal links that redirect to other contents of our website and external links to other sources of information related to our sector. This will contribute to increase the authority of our website and improve our positioning.
URL, title and meta description writing and optimization
The wording of the URL, the title and the meta description of our content are also important factors in SEO positioning. We must create a simple and descriptive URL, a catchy title and a meta description that summarizes the content clearly and concisely. In addition, we must include in them our keywords in a natural and coherent way.
We should not be overly obsessed with optimization per se, but focus on creating valuable, interesting and compelling content for our audience. All this will help us to improve our SEO positioning in Google and to generate quality visits to our website.
Internal and external link generation and results analysis
The generation of internal and external links is essential to improve the SEO of our website. Internal links help to distribute the value of the pages of our website, which improves the SEO of all of them, while quality external links bring authority and relevance to our website, which helps it to rank better.
Analysis through tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console
To measure the success of our SEO strategy we must analyze the data obtained through tools such as Google Analytics and Search Console. These tools allow us to know the traffic of our website, its origin, the keywords used by users, the average duration of the visit, among other aspects. In this way, we can detect and correct possible errors that are affecting our position in Google. In addition to these tools, there are other advanced options that allow us to improve the efficiency of our SEO strategy. Some of them are Ahrefs, Moz or SEMrush, which offer detailed statistics on the performance of our page and allow us to know in depth the competition.
SEO content writing services
If you don’t have enough time or resources to create quality SEO content, there are SEO content writing services that can help. These services have teams of professionals who are responsible for creating SEO-optimized content that meets all standards and is attractive to users. In addition, these services can help you research keywords, generate links and optimize your URLs, titles and meta descriptions, among other things. With the help of these services, you can significantly improve the position of your website in Google and increase traffic and quality visits.
Tips to improve the SEO positioning of our website
To improve the SEO positioning of our website, it is important to follow certain tips to achieve greater success in Google:
Think SEO when writing texts
It is essential to keep keywords and SEO optimization techniques in mind when writing any type of content, never forget this.
Knowing our target audience
It is important to know our target audience in depth, to know their needs, their interests and their behavior, so we can create content that is attractive to them.
Image optimization
Images are an important factor in SEO positioning, as they can attract users and improve the duration of their visit on our website. It is necessary to optimize the images in terms of size and weight and choose appropriate file names with the keywords of our niche.
Quality design and content
We must take care of the design of our website so that it is attractive and easy to use for the user, so that they spend more time on it. In addition, the content must be interesting and relevant to have a chance of being shared on social networks.
This is a pop-up message
Elementor has a popup message builder that you can find in the Templates menu.