Global Colors, Global Fonts and Theme Styles in Elementor
> Introduction to Elementor, Site settings
Create your own design system with global colors and text styles that can be easily assigned to elements of your site.
Global colors
Set predefined global colors (primary, secondary, text and accent colors), custom colors inline or create new global colors from Elementor’s global settings.
Predefined global colors
By default, the predefined colors(primary, secondary,text and accent) are pre-filled from your theme’s CSS. Change them here to override your theme settings. Which elements are affected by the default color palette:
- Primary colors are used for titles and icons.
- Secondary colors are used for list item backgrounds, subtitles, animated headings and price tables.
- Text colors are used for paragraphs and menu items.
- Accent colors are used for links, button backgrounds, tab and accordion headers and badges.
Each of the colors will be used in several widgets similar to the previous examples. Below are some color examples to help visualize the areas in which each color is used.
New global colors
In addition to the 4 predefined global colors (primary, secondary, text and accent), you can add any color you choose to the global palette, for use in any Elementor color option.
Online custom colors
You can also select any custom color to use online without adding it to the global color palette.
From any Elementor page or post, click on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner of the Widgets Panel, then click on Site Settings > in the SYSTEM DESIGN section > click on Global Colors.
- Edit color: click on the color swatch to select a new color for any existing color. Names can also be changed. Click on the color name to change the name. For example, you can change Main to Titles, Accent to Highlight, etc.
- Add Color: click on the Add Color button to add a new global or inline custom color
- Delete color: place the cursor over the color swatch and click on the trash can icon that appears.
Hexadecimal color system
In HTML, Hex or hexadecimal code is used to define colors. To better understand how this code is transcribed, let’s take a look at this graphic:
As we can see in the image followed by the numeral symbol or hash mark # Hex codes to define a color have 6 more digits, which define a color. RGB (Red Green Blue or Red Green Blue) all the colors of the spectrum are composed of the mixture of these three base colors. In the Hex code the first two digits correspond to the color Red, the middle two to Green and the last two to Blue.
Imagine that you have three cans of paint, one red, one green and one blue, and you mix these colors in a container by adding a certain amount of each one, the result will be a certain color. Well, in this case it is exactly the same, depending on the amount of each color we add, we will obtain a specific color.
So far so good, but … in Hex codes there are not only numbers, but also letters, let’s see why. We are used to work with the decimal system, i.e. with a base of 10 digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) using these digits we compose any numerical quantity. In the case of Hex color codes we work with hexadecimal base, that is, instead of 10, we use 16 digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F).
Using only two digits the smallest hexadecimal value is 00 (equivalent in decimal to 0) and the largest FF (equivalent in decimal to 255), i.e. we can add to the mixture of each color between 0 and 255. Let’s see some examples represented in hexadecimal form:
- #000000 (Black: in decimal 0 units of red, 0 of green and 0 of blue)
- #FFFFFFFF (White: in decimal 255 units of red, 255 units of green and 255 units of blue)
- #FF0000 (Red: in decimal 255 units of red, 0 of green and 0 of blue)
- #00FF00 (Green: in decimal 0 units of red, 255 units of green and 0 units of blue)
- #0000FF (Blue: in decimal 0 units of red, 0 of green and 255 of blue)
- #999999 (Gray: in decimal 153 units of red, 153 of green and 153 of blue)
With this system, a 24-bit computer can reproduce up to 16,777,216 different colors, which is more than enough, considering that the human eye can only distinguish 10 million colors.
Links of interest
- Color Theory: Basic Guide to Color
- Browser extension with which you can capture the Hex color of any part of a web page:

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